Home » Apple Daily: Hong Kong police raid sparks rush on newspapers..

Apple Daily: Hong Kong police raid sparks rush on newspapers..

People in Hong Kong have queued up to buy copies of the pro-democracy newspaper Apple Daily, a day after its newsroom was raided by police.

Its front page carried a message of defiance, reading: “We must press on.”

The paper typically prints about 80,000 copies, but had upped that to 500,000. Some news stands sold out.

It came as two of Apple Daily’s executives were charged under Hong Kong’s controversial new national security law.

Police said two males aged 47 and 59 would appear at West Kowloon Magistrates’ Court on Saturday.

The paper named the pair as its editor-in-chief Ryan Law and chief executive officer Cheung Kim-hung.

Most of those charged under the law are denied bail and spend months behind bars pre-trial.People in Hong Kong have queued up to buy copies of the pro-democracy newspaper Apple Daily, a day after its newsroom was raided by police.

Its front page carried a message of defiance, reading: “We must press on.”

The paper typically prints about 80,000 copies, but had upped that to 500,000. Some news stands sold out.

It came as two of Apple Daily’s executives were charged under Hong Kong’s controversial new national security law.

The paper broadcast live footage of the raid on its Facebook account.

The push to complete Friday’s edition took place under the watch of fellow media outlets. The newspaper had become its own story, its front page emblazoned with the words Mr Cheung told staff as he was led away in handcuffs: “We must press on.”

Police said two males aged 47 and 59 would appear at West Kowloon Magistrates’ Court on Saturday.

The paper named the pair as its editor-in-chief Ryan Law and chief executive officer Cheung Kim-hung.

In Mongkok district, Hong Kongers queued in the early hours for the first edition.
“Usually we sell around 60 copies but tonight, we just sold 1,800,” one news stand owner told AFP.

to show their support, taking the stacks of papers with them using a trolley or a car”.
Customer Steven Chow, who bought three copies, observed: “There is no perfect media, but it [

Apple Daily] is a unique voice in Hong Kong.
“You may not like it, but I think you need to let them have their voice and survive, it is important.”

It is unclear how long the paper can keep running after the latest asset freeze.
The UN’s chief human rights spokesperson, Rupert Colville, said on Friday that the newsroom raid “sends a further chilling message for media freedom”.

“We call on Hong Kong authorities to respect their obligations under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, in line with the Basic Law, in particular freedom of expression, freedom of peaceful assembly and association and the right to participate in public affairs,” he said

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