Home » JOHESU-UITH embarks on three-day warning strike

JOHESU-UITH embarks on three-day warning strike

Members of the Joint Health Sector Union (JOHESU), University of Ilorin Teaching Hospital (UITH) chapter, on Wednesday embarked on a three-day warning strike to press home their agelong demands.

Olutunde Oluwawumi, the branch Chairman of JOHESU-UITH who declared the warning strike during an emergency congress of the union in Ilorin, noted that their agitations border on workers welfare and request for conducive working environment.

Oluwawumi said the management of UITH is still owing the members series of promotion arrears since 2010.

According to him, there is also urgent need to renovate all the dilapidated structures of the hospital, while the obsolete medical equipment in the health institution must be replaced.

“Members have observed with dismay the flagrant refusal by the management to honour the agreement reached with the union,” he said.

The JOHESU-UITH chairman listed promotion arrears, promotion to director cadre, skipping and relativity arrears, out of stock syndrome at NHIS and staff redeployment after conversion as some of their grievances.

“JOHESU therefore demand immediate payment of 2011, 2019 and 2020 promotion arrears and the payment of relativity arrears for health professional in the clinical arrears among others,” he said.

Reacting on behalf of the Management of UITH, Mrs Olabisi Ajiboye, the Head Corporate Affairs Unit, said the management was aware of the development and would soon issue a statement.

Newsmen report that JOHESU has ordered the affected health workers to vacate their duty posts and were seen leaving to their various homes.

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