Home » Mohammed felicitates Babangida at 80

Mohammed felicitates Babangida at 80

Gov. Bala Mohammed of Bauchi State,  has felicitated  former president, retired Gen. Ibrahim Babangida  (IBB) on  his 80th birthday anniversary.

In a  statement signed by his Special Adviser on Media,  Malam Mukhtar Gidado,  in Bauchi on Tuesday, Mohammed lauded Babangida for  achieving the feat.

The governor  noted that the former president, remained  one of Nigeria’s most outstanding,  remarkable leaders,  who made immense contributions to the development of the  nation.

He described the former military president’s life,  as  one of achievement and fulfilment,  considering his invaluable contributions to the nation.

“With every passing day, the footprints of IBB  in infrastructural development, political engineering and diplomatic leadership, stand out as iconic landmarks in our nation’s history,” he said.

According to him,  Babangida has occupied a unique position, owing to his consummate leadership, bridge building and selfless service to the nation.

He explained that the former president had forged a nation,  which gave everybody a sense of belonging and hope  at its trying moment and  respect in the west African sub-region and service to humanity.

“All people of conscience are happy that, as you celebrate your 80th birthday, you remain a mentor and patriot, who epitomises the deeper yearnings of Nigerians for a just, equitable, secured and prosperous nation.”

Mohammed prayed that almighty Allah continued to strengthen and guide IBB in good health and wisdom, to continue to provide leadership to the nation

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