Home » We aren’t under pressure to wrap up the title – Ubong

We aren’t under pressure to wrap up the title – Ubong

Akwa United are edging closer to their first ever league title and striker, Friday Ubong is optimistic they can wrap up the title as soon as possible.
Friday Ubong was on target as the Promise Keepers trashed Jigawa Golden Stars 3-0 at the Nest of champions on Sunday.
The victory put Akwa United six points clear on the table and four points from next matches means they could be crowned Champions with a game spare.
The Kennedy Boboye’s side will take on FC Ifeanyi Ubah in Nnewi on Wednesday and Ubong Friday insisted they aren’t under pressure to get the needed three points.
“The title is very much open, i is not yet done, but we are confident and not under pressure. We won last Sunday and I’m confident we’ll get good results in the next matches too”. He told brila.net.

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