Home » All fulfilment philanthropist measure continues

All fulfilment philanthropist measure continues

Today was awesome as the leadership of All fulfilment organization presented some gifts item to mother who just bore a triplet at Mother and Child Care Center General hospital Epe.
Among the gifts items are bag of rice, pack of diaper and many more , this was done to assistthe parents so as to cope with the pressure of the triplets.
All fulfilment organization leadership granted an interview with LTV 8 and she showed her profund gratitude to Lagos State government for providing this facility to us in Epe division which is of immense assistance to pregnant mothers and delivery of children with ease
It’s a new dawn at MCC Epe for all required facilities to aid delivery is now in place. kudos to Mr Governor more grace sir
While one of the promising triplets is sound and kinkin and the other two are in intensive care at the incubator provided by MCC All fulfilment promised to still render more assistance as times goes on to improve the lives of the triplets
The leadership also pleaded to members of the public to embrace the act of kind gesture to raise and develop future lives
While all hands will be on deck to keep the good work going, Mrs Omole Iyalabake Oluyemi implore everyone to be positive in helping others for a life of no impact is a life of no value

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