Home » Ogedengbe legacy foundation non religion non political

Ogedengbe legacy foundation non religion non political

Social Networking- Family Reunion, creating social amenities in his village Atorin Town, refurbishing of Ogedengbe compound and the schools named after him.

Ogedengbe Legacy and Foundations consist of people from diverse religious, political, racial, professional, and methodological backgrounds. We enjoy those who are open minded and interested in synthesizing the best ideas on alleviating poverty, unleashing human flourishing, protecting our culture and heritage. We embrace diversity, critical thinking, and pragmatism

Humanitarianism and charity organizations the empowerment- creativity- informative to protect our culture because of our incoming future generations for Touching lives and with empowering people in the vision to empower less privileged people and orphanage.

 To rewrite the forgotten history about life and death of Ogedengbe.  Planning to build Ultra modern Millennium Hall in honour of the warrior today, Renovation of his resting place museum and leisure centre of annual remembrance day

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