Home » Gift of the Givers gets green light to drill boreholes at two Joburg hospitals

Gift of the Givers gets green light to drill boreholes at two Joburg hospitals

The Gauteng health department has granted Gift of the Givers Foundation permission to drill for boreholes at two hospitals in Johannesburg.

https://2863f7be7b3bf472b44db46b3e8eda06.safeframe.googlesyndication.com/safeframe/1-0-38/html/container.html According to Gauteng health department spokesperson Kwara Kekana, there has been co-operation and support from the Gauteng Provincial Health Department, CEOs, management and infrastructure teams at both Rahima Moosa Hospital and Helen Joseph Hospital in granting Gift of the Givers permission to drill for boreholes at these two facilities.

The foundation’s water provision initiative came after the City of Johannesburg experienced water outages due to the low optimum inflow of water into systems and power failure.

https://2863f7be7b3bf472b44db46b3e8eda06.safeframe.googlesyndication.com/safeframe/1-0-38/html/container.html According to the foundation, the drilling of the borehole commenced on Friday morning.

“Drilling at Helen Joseph Hospital commenced at 08:00 on Friday, 11 June, at the first of eight possible sites mapped out by our geologist, Dr Gideon Grunewald. The drilling rig is on site,” said Kekana.

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