Home » Social welfare programme:56 independent monitors engaged in Ogun

Social welfare programme:56 independent monitors engaged in Ogun

By Bolaji Abiodun and Segun Owotomo

A total of 56 trained Independent Monitors have received letters of engagement and tablets to monitor the Federal Government Social Investment Programme in Ogun State for the next one year.

The Minister of Humanitarian Affairs, Disaster Management and Social Development, Hajiya Sadiya Farouq who spoke during the presentation and induction for the Independent Monitors in Abeokuta, said the Independent Monitors have been selected to ensure that the objectives of the welfare programme are achieved as planned.

Represented by the Assistant Director, Planning, Research and Statistics, Hajiya Jumai Abdu Ali, the Minister said monitors are dedicated to some of the intervention programmes including N-Power, National Homegrown School Feeding Programme (NHGSFP), the Condition Cash Transfer (CCT) and Government Enterprise Empowerment Programme (GEEP) beneficiaries for information and record purposes.

Hajiya Farouq urged them not to reassign their responsibilities to a third party, but carry out the assignment with utmost sense of patriotism, diligence and sincerity, warning that anyone found wanting would be discharged.

“Every independent monitor will be held accountable by the Ministry for the task given to you. The Ministry reserves the right to disengage any monitor for misconduct or non-compliance with set guidance and directive”, she said.

In his remarks, the State Governor, Prince Dapo Abiodun, stated that the social welfare programmes have tremendous impact on the lives of the vulnerable in the State, urging the engaged independent monitors to remain committed and ensure accurate data collation.

Abiodun, represented by the Commissioner for Special Duties and Intergovernmental Affairs, Barr. Femi Ogunbanwo, applauded the Federal Government under the leadership of President Muhammadu Buhari for its vision of lifting 100 Million Nigerians out of poverty, assuring that his administration would continue to play its role and support the programme to ensure desired success.

Earlier in his welcome address, the Permanent Secretary in the Ministry, Mr. Kehinde Onasanya, affirmed that the Prince Dapo Abiodun-led administration would continue to partner with the Federal Government in the Social Intervention Programmes, as it was in tandem with the inclusive approach of the administration towards the successful implementation of the “Building our Future Together” agenda.

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